Ucapan Perpisahan daripada Neymar Jr Untuk Barcelona

psg neymar

Ucapan Perpisahan daripada Neymar Jr Untuk The Catalan | Hari ni sekali sejarah tercipta dalam dunia bola sepak dimana memecahkan rekod dunia perpindahan yang dipegang oleh Paul Pogba sebelum ini dengan €89 Juta. Pemain itu adalah Neymar Jr. daripada pasukan Barcelona yang berharga €197 Juta dengan secara sah berpindah ke Paris Saint-Germain, PSG. 

neymar transfer

Jadi baru-baru ini Neymar sendiri telah merakam video untuk menyampaikan mesej selamat tinggal kepada Barcelon. Sini aku kongsikan apa yang diucapkan oleh beliau:

I prepared a text here for today. The life of an athlete is made by challenges. Some are given to use. Other are fruits of our own decisions to keep the light that illuminates our carrer, which is intense, but short. The Barcelona was much more than a challenge, it was the dream of a child who played with those stars through the video game. I arrived at Catalonia when I was 21 years old, filled with challenges. I can still remember my first days in the club, sharing the changing room with idols like Messi, Valdes, Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol, Pique, Busquets and many others. Waiting my turn to play in a club that's "més que un club" (More than a Club). The Barcelona is a nation that represents Catalonia. I had the honor of playing with the best athlete I've ever seen in my life and I'm sure that I will never see another one like him while I'm alive. Leo Messi became my friend in and out of the pitch. It was an honor to play with you. I made a trio with Messi and Suarez that made history. Conquered everything an athlete can conquer. Lived unforgettable moments! Lived in a city that's more than a city, it's a homeland. I love Barcelona and I love Catalonia. But an athlete, me, needs challenges. And for the second time in my life, I'll contradict my father. Father I understand and respect your opinion, but my decision is made and I ask you to support me as you always do.

"So, go with God and be happy, ok son. But run!"
"Kiss, I'm running up here with you." - Neymar's dad

The Barcelona and Catalonia will always be in my heart, but I need new challenges. I accepted PSG's proposition to try new achievements and help the club to win the titles that their crowd wants. They showed me a daring career plan and I feel ready to take on this challenge. I thank the wonderful blaugrana crowd and everything learned with the great athletes that I had the chance to share the dressing room. Now I feel in my heart that it's time to leave. The PSG will be my home for the next years and I will work hard to honor all of the trust placed in my football. I'm counting on the support of all of you who's been with me since 2009. Fans, friends, professionals who are with me and my family, who suffered a lot with some problems that took place during that period in my career. Today you deserve peace. It's a very hard decision, but I made it with the maturity I accumulated throughout those 25 years. Barcelona, gracies per tot! Paris, j'arrive!! May God bless and protect us.

 Barcelona gracies per tot!
Paris, j'arrive
(Barcelona thanks for everything)
(Paris, I'm on my way)
Aiman Suka kongsikan info menarik dan pengalaman sendiri berkaitan pelbagai perkara | aiman6991@gmail.com

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