Bajet Flight Dengan Air Asia
Siapa yang tak kenal AirAsia, one of the world’s leading Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) headquartered kat Malaysia. Yang pertama of Full-LCC in Indonesia, having the main characteristics as follows: add-on facilities purchasable during online booking like checked baggage, pre-reserved meal and seat selection. Diorang memang target untuk offer low cost price kepada customer yang nak travel dengan harga murah.
AirAsia ada banyak subsidiaries. Two of the well-known ones
in Southeast Asia are Thai AirAsia and Philippines AirAsia. Besides its main
hub in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AirAsia opened secondary hub in Johor Bahru, yang
boleh terbang ke Singapore, Phuket and Bangkok. As one of the affiliates of
AirAsia International, AirAsia Indonesia tawarkan kepada customer dia for
domestic and international routes in or from Indonesia. AirAsia Indonesia began
operating pada tahun 2004 from Soekarno-Hatta headquarter. Both domestic and
international flights operate at Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta International
Airport. Dah macam penulis artikel untuk AirAsia lak aku ni. Haha
Aku promo AirAsia ni sebab korang boleh book AirAsia online di Traveloka. Easy because korang
boleh terus book dari website then baru korang boleh book the place to stay
dalam web or apps Traveloka. Banyak awards have been achieved under Tony
Fernandes’ leadership. AirAsia Indonesia is listed in Category 1 for flight
safety. So the percentage untuk selamat sampai ke destinasi agak tinggi
insyaaAllah. For four years in a row, AirAsia achieves Skytrax’s World’s Best
Salah satu strategi yang aku dapat tengok dari AirAsia
adalah diorang banyak offer promo untuk fares diorang. Because of that you will
get the best deal by book early, and sometimes the price macam lagi murah dari
korang naik bas. Ini kisah benar. Now setiap orang mampu untuk terbang with the
lowest fares ever sesuai dengan slogan diorang “Now Everyone Can Fly”.
So macam mana nak book kan, first sekali korang select route
mana yang korang nak pergi. Banyak choices yang ada untuk korang pilih. Then
pilih date yang korang nak pergi, the jadual yang ada nanti akan ada sekali
price for your calculation untuk cost vacation korang. Easy as that. Then fill
in info pasal passenger. Kalau book 4 seat jangan korang isi nama yang sama,
isi the exact name and information the passenger. Senang nanti stewardess or
steward nak greeting. After that korang pilih payment method. Lepas setel
semua, AirAsia e-ticket akan disend ke email korang, so don’t forget to check
your email as e-ticket ni penting. Print lepas dapat and bawa airport. Just
that make sure date korang dalam e-ticket tu betul so takdelah korang datang
awal sehari ke airport sebab excited sangat. Hahaha.
AirAsia e-ticket is an eligible proof for AirAsia flight,
received after completing your online booking transaction. So make sure korang
pegang and simpan untuk masa check in nanti, if not habislah vacation korang
memang spoil the mood nanti.
Aku nak citer sikit sejarah diorang ni, they were
established in 1993, AirAsia belonged to a state-owned DRB-HICOM. Its Boeing
737 served the initial flight in 1996. Already in that era, Malaysia has had an
advanced aviation industry, labelling AirAsia as the first generation facing a
highly competitive challenge.
Disebabkan hutang yang tak dapat setel DRB-HICOM sold
AirAsia on December 2, 2001. TimeWarner’s former senior official Tony Fernandes
purchased AirAsia RM1 saja, ya seringgit jer. Tony Fernandes then set new
strategies through total rebranding. Within only a year, AirAsia successfully
gained profit, establishing its strong position as the Southeast Asia’s first
Cheap long-haul flights such as from Kuala Lumpur to cities
in Australia, Europe, Japan and South Korea diperkenalkan untuk people. Orang
boleh travel jauh dengan kos yang serendah boleh. Even aku rasa duit raya budak
pun dah boleh beli flight ticket. These flights use Airbus A-330 and operates
under the name AirAsia X. Offering competitive low fare, AirAsia X also flies
to destinations like Tokyo, London and Gold Coast. Tokyo sudah! So ke London ke kita weh!!!
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